Ashley Shirley, Colonial Healthcare Nurse Manager
When you think of a Hero in terms of character traits, you might think of: determination, selflessness, and kindness, compassion, inspiring, resourceful, motivated, humble, courageous, and steadfast to name a few. Certainly, when you think of your favorite “Super Hero” he/she will most likely possess an over abundance of each of these traits even in the face of the greatest evils. No matter the circumstance, a Hero is there for the weak, in times of danger and adversity, displaying each of these traits for the greater good.

Then in February 2013 Emmett started experiencing some unusual problems. According to Anne, Emmet began falling down, was sleeping a lot, and had problems seeing things. Anne made an appointment with Dr. Lowder, where several tests were ran, and referrals to specialists were made. After multiple tests Emmett Moye was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer known as GBM. It was incurable.
“When I found out that Mr. Moye was diagnosed with an incurable brain cancer, I was really upset”, said Ashley. “He was such a sweet man, and it just broke my heart. I remember sitting and talking with Mr. Moye, telling him how much I loved him, and just crying with him.” “Emmett said she was the sweetest little angel. He didn’t mind going to see Dr. Lowder, but I think he really liked to go just to see Ashley. He thought a lot of her as a person as well as a nurse. She was so kind and considerate.” said Anne.
On April 22, 2013 Mr. Emmett Moye passed away. “I remember the day well”, said Ashley, “his family called the office to make sure we knew he had passed away. I called them back to talk with the family and to give my condolences.” Anne Moye appreciated the call, but never expected that she would see Ashley after her husband’s passing. However, a few days later at the visitation, she saw the person Emmett always referred to as a sweet angel.
“My first thoughts when seeing Ashley at the visitation was that it was above and beyond the call of duty. It made me feel so good, and I was able to introduce Ashley to my children. They had all heard about her, and thought it was really special for her to come.” said Anne. When asked why she made the decision to attend visitation for Emmett, Ashley commented: “I felt like I should have been there because I wasn’t looking at it as being his nurse I looked at it more personally. I had watched him go through everything he was facing with the cancer, and I wanted to show my support and sympathy. I wanted to let them know he was loved. I didn’t go as a nurse.”
According to Dr. Lowder, “It didn’t surprise me that Ashley took the time to go to Mr. Moye’s visitation. It’s nice to see how she is able to relate to her patients, and that’s why Ashley is a big part of Colonial’s success”. As for Anne Moye, when it comes to describing Ashley’s character, “I would describe Ashley as professional and having loving kindness. I have nothing but praise for her. It wasn’t a job, it was a profession that she put her all into, and Emmett had a special place in his heart for Ashley. Dr. Lowder is lucky to have her.”
Sometimes being a hero means saving a life, and sometimes being a hero means touching a life. In any aspect Ashley Shirley has the characteristics of kindness, compassion, humility, and she is there for those in their time of adversity in a way that makes a difference to them. It’s something she demonstrates to her patients every day, and it’s something that makes her a hero.
Yes, I can agree with this assessment of Ashley, She is a real Sweetheart and has been since my husband and I met her, She can always put a smile on his face no matter how bad things are with him are me. She makes you fall in love with her... I went to Vegas once and just had to bring her something back to let her know we were thinking of her. But I have to say Dr. Lowder has a Great team Ashley is a bright and shinning Star in it. She is a Real Gem and I am glad that it shines on her Patients. I Totally understand this story....You are going to Bless Ms Ashley. From: E. & J. Howard